
Here are some important best practices we follow at SOM. Review these and you will have a head start on how we operate effectively

To promote consistency in communications with internal and others outside of the Yale SOM community, email signature templates are provided. Visit the SOM Communications Confluence site for instructions on creating an email signature in Outlook. Email signatures should not include an image of the Yale SOM logo, nor any other image, and the logo should not be approximated in type.

Effective Meeting Handbook

This handbook provides a toolkit containing best practices. Use the tools and techniques in a way that adds the most value for you.

Outlook Meeting Best Practices

Whether you are scheduling or attending a meeting, you can help it run smoothly and on time by following these steps from Microsoft Office Online.


Working toward a Yale where sustainability is seamlessly integrated into the scholarship and operations of the university, contributing to its social, environmental, and financial excellence and positioning Yale as a local and global leader.

Voicemail - SOM phones

Record a general greeting that applies every day. The greeting should be brief, simple, informative, and sound professional. (Alternatively, you may update your voicemail message daily.)

Yale SOM Editorial Style and Usage 

While communicating on behalf of SOM, please refer to these conventions. 


Who can use it?

All members of the Yale SOM community.

How do I get it?

See the resource links above to access the related information

Related Policy and Procedures

Related Knowledge Articles