
Yale VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a way to securely access Yale's restricted services and resources on the University network from a non-Yale internet source. VPN is also required for remote access to on-campus workstations (via Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP]). The University recommends Cisco AnyConnect software to connect to the Yale VPN. Use this article to learn how to install and configure Cisco AnyConnect on Android Devices.

Step-by-step guide

To download, install, and configure Cisco AnyConnect VPN:
NOTE: These instructions were created using the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Please contact the SOM Help Desk if you are unable to complete these instructions.

  1. Locate and tap the Play Store app from the applications list:
  2. Search for Cisco and select Cisco Secure Client:
  3. Select Cisco Secure Client-AnyConnect and tap Install:
    Screenshot_20240103_100810_Google Play Store.jpg
  4. Read the App permissions request; if you agree, tap Accept.
  5. Open AnyConnect and then tap Connections.

  6. Tap the + to add a new connection.

  7. Tap the Description field and enter: "Yale"
    Tap the Server Address field and enter: ""
    Tap Done when field entry is complete:
  8. Tap Yale:

  9. Connections now says Yale. Tap Connections.

  10. Enter your Yale email and your NetID password. You would get a DUO notification
  11. Read the warning message and tap OK to allow a VPN connection. 

  12. You are now connected to the Yale network using Cisco AnyConnect VPN.

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